Ein Praktikum der etwas anderen Art: Besuch aus Tadschikistan

Rustambek aus Tadschikistan

Praktikanten gibt es bei 4c media häufig: Für einen Schnuppertag oder für einige Wochen. Sie kommen aus Bayreuth oder der Region - oder aus Tadschikistan. Zehn Tage lang war der 24-jährige Rustambek aus Chorugh zu Gast im Herzen Oberfrankens. Möglich machte dies das Austauschprogramm der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Inspiration 4.900 Kilometer von der Heimat entfernt

Chorugh liegt Luftlinie rund 4.900 Kilometer von Bayreuth entfernt, in über 2.000 Metern Höhe eingebettet in das Pamir-Gebirge. Die 30.000 Einwohner-Stadt grenzt direkt an Afghanistan. In seiner Heimat arbeitet Rustambek als Grafikdesigner, im Sudhaus sammelte er neue Anregungen für die eigene Arbeit. Auf englisch und in seiner Landessprache Tajik berichtet er über seine Zeit in Bayreuth: 

My name is Rustambek and I am from Khorog, Tajikistan. Khorog is a small town in the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan. It is a beautiful area bordering Afghanistan and attracts many visitors in the summer months when the weather is sunny and dry. Although I was born during the civil war in Tajikistan, I feel very lucky despite the hardships of my youth. Shortly after the civil war ended, the Aga Khan, the leader of the Ismaili people, came to Tajikistan for the first time. With him, many opportunities for the people of the Pamir came and I benefited from the new school, which allowed me to study English. The language skills I learned considerably increased my opportunities, which has lead me to be here in Germany interning in graphic design. The Aga Khan Foundation is not the only organization who made this possible. Additionally, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) offered a scholarship to fund the internship for 10 days. So I came to Germany, Bayreuth. Bayreuth is a very beautiful place, I liked and I enjoyed it. I am glad 4c media accepted me to research and practice in their company. 

 In 4c media the working team consists of 10 persons. Each of them have their own tasks and work. In a planing session in the morning the staff discusses what they plan or if someone needs help. On Monday we discussed the state of each project that’s planned for the week and the tasks they have to do. This was new for me, as we don’t do it that way at home. I liked to work with the colleagues, they were friendly and I felt free here. During a little break we played a game that consist of 4 person, which is called table soccer and I like it. 

 My research was going well. The company gave me the task to do a t-shirt design for 4c media, a logo for the ‘GELO’ (Production Forestry) company and updating the name of bicycles. So I did some sketches on paper, and after convert them into graphic identity on computer. For me was difficult to work. Because at home we use Coral draw as a design program. This agency gave me a good chance to work with the Adobe program. With the help of the colleagues, I did my research and I learned a lot of things from them.